Initial symptom diagnosis / FOOT AND ANKLE

Hallux Valgus (Crooked Toes)


Women are much more likely to have crooked toes, and it seems to have genetic involvement. It usually develops slowly over decades, often first becoming noticeable to people in young adult age and gradually worsening over time. The misalignment of the big toe causes it to turn inward towards the other toes, which leaves a bump of bone or tissue on the side of the foot where the big toe joint originates.

The initial pain is usually caused by friction around the bony protrusion. Wearing footwear that is too tight, wearing high heels, or running for prolonged hours every day can strain the muscles and tendons that are meant to keep the toes straight and aligned. If the condition persists for a long time and is left untreated, pain may occur even when walking barefoot.

When to see a doctor

  • Bulging bump on the outer side of the big toe’s base.
  • Pain around the bony protrusion, especially when wearing footwear.
  • Pain which interferes with your daily life, for example, inability to exercise due to foot pain.
  • Calluses around bony protrusion that turn into wounds.
Fri, 18 Jun 2021
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